Snow Patrol
In areas of heavy snowfall, for example, the pitch is steep to prevent the accumulation of snow on the roof, snow that might eventually find its way into the house as it melts.
A sharp wind whipped the fallen snow up into the air and blew it into every hole and corner.
With the mostly hard-packed snow earlier this season—now more than 75 percent of the runs are open with more snow on the way—skis need to have a hard, sharp edge and the right wax for the weather.
One factor could be deposits of dust and black carbon (collectively called aerosols) upon the snow, which, up to an accumulation of 400 grams per square meter sharply raises the rate of melting.
It started out to be a sunny/perfect/warm/beautiful day. They, all of a sudden, it became cloudy/cold/dark and began to rain/snow.
At least 18 people have died in Ukraine and 10 in Poland after heavy snow fall and a sudden drop in temperatures across east Europe.
Snow-pack and glaciers provide a buffer between when the precipitation falls as snow and when it is released as water.
Under stable climatic conditions, the ice lost through melting is replenished by winter precipitation in the form of snow.
Clouds usually precipitate as rain and snow.
The Coast Guard is also acquiring additional 20 fast patrol vehicles, 41 interceptor boats, 12 coastal surveillance aircraft and seven off-shore patrol vehicles.
Rain and snow decrease in some areas and increase in others.
In the public sector the qualifying period is often shorter; in California, for example, highway patrol officers retire at 50, after an average of 28 years of service.
When the air temperature is very low level, the water vapor condensation in the air, is not it condenses into water droplets, but by the water vapor condenses into direct light snow film.
A giant "blue and white porcelain tea pot" made of snow was unveiled in a street in Yaroslavl, Russia, on March 2.
My flower pot on the balcony now is full of snow grains.
They were covered with snow. In their branches were pieces of dry grass and wood left by flood waters earlier in the year.
But that attempt was canceled after a storm caused a giant mass of snow to slide down the mountain, killing seven ethnic Sherpa guides.
How could I stay abreast of what was going on in my house if, when the snow came, my every footstep in the yard would leave a trail of incrimination and such clear proof of a prowler on the grounds as
Rough terrain areas have lower albedo, when albedo on snow area is much higher than other area.
What do a peckish bee-eater, shaggy bison going head-to-head in snow and pelicans dancing in a pristine lake all have in common?